St Mary's Pre-School
0208 290 6704
About Us

Session times
We are mornings only, Monday to Friday during term time 9.15am – 12.15pm
Our school year is a maximum of 38 weeks.
Sessions cost £21 each, paid half-termly in advance.
Children are eligible for the Nursery Education Fund from the beginning of the term after their 3rd birthday.
The dates below shows when children become eligible; these are national term dates and are regardless of when pre-school term dates actually start or finish. ​
If your child is born between 1st April and 31st August they are eligible for a free place from 1st September following their third birthday
If your child is born between 1st September and 31st December they are eligible for a free place from 1st January following their third birthday
If your child is born between 1st Jan and 31st March they are eligible for a free place from 1st April following their third birthday
Some 2-year olds are eligible for funding, please see to check eligibility for 2 year old funding and inform the pre-school leader if you qualify.
No fees are refundable in the case of absence, including sickness and holidays.
We also charge 50p a day to cover the cost of our morning snack.
In the summer term we offer a 10 week forest play course for £30. This is open to the older children who would be leaving us that July. It includes: mini beast hunts, mud painting, clay forest collages, drawing with nature, nest making, tree climbing and many more activities.
As part of the Early Years Foundation Stage (which continues into the reception class at school), we follow the 7 Areas of Learning, which are: -
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
Communication and Language
Physical Development
Understanding the World
Expressive Arts & Design
We observe how the children are progressing within these areas and set them ‘next steps’. A member of staff is allocated to each child (keyperson).
We use a variety of topics to cover the 7 areas.
Every term we inform parents of the topic that will be covered each week, so that if the children want to bring something from home for 'Show and Tell' they are welcome to do so.
All the time the children are ‘learning through play’.
For an extra fee the children are invited to enjoy forest play sessions for the term before they start primary school. This is onsite and aids critical thinking, imagination and they learn to manage risks in a safe environment and SportyStars sessions, these sessions help develop children's minds, agility, balance and coordination by introducing sports in a fun, engaging and inspiring way. Sports include basketball, football, tennis, cricket, rugby, athletics and many more!
Up to 3 weeks holiday in any one term are allowed, but parents must understand that their child will not be eligible for funding when their child is absent from pre-school for more than 3 weeks in any one term and that absence for more than 3 weeks in any one term will result in the parent having to pay to retain the child’s place.
Notice period
Please note that if your child is not funded you must give 6 weeks notice prior to their child leaving the pre-school and fees must be paid to the end of the notice period.
Waiting list and admissions
Children’s names may be placed on the waiting list and if we are able to offer a place you will be notified by email.
Most children who are offered a place start at St Mary’s Pre-School around their third birthday and can have up to 5 sessions a week. Sessions are subject to availability and if we are oversubscribed we take siblings and proximity into account when offering places. Please note that, as most of the children leave pre-school in July to go to primary schools, the majority of new children start in the autumn term.
If you wish to add your child’s name to the waiting list please complete a registration form.