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St Mary's Pre-School
0208 290 6704
This week at Pre School

This week at pre-school we have made:​​
Drum paintings
Golf ball painting
We have explored and played in our band, construction site, cafe, laundry and hair salon.
On Monday we made play dough and on Friday we had SportyStars.
We have explored and played with chime bars, sand writing, rainbow rice and pasta threading.
On Monday Margot played her Saxophone for us, on Tuesday Susie Shelton played her flute and on Friday we went into church and played the church organ with Claire Tillotson.
Bonnie is our star of the week and Darcey is our SportyStar of the week.
At the snack bar we have eaten some delicious fruit and had milk or water to drink.
Next week we will be talking and learning about ponds and rivers. Please encourage your child to bring in a topic related item for show and tell but nothing breakable please.

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